The city of Quito has also undergone major changes in the past decade, refurbishing the historical colonial center (called Old Town) and trying to make the city safer.
What follows is Jesus' further explanation of the new constitution and urban development in Ecuador.
Por : Jesùs Valencia
By : Jesus Valencia (tranlsated by Nicole)
Fotografia : James LeragerThe development of the congresspeople´s activities has resulted in divisiones, accusations, and a mess in general between government officials and the opposition as they try to defend the interests of the country.
One debate that began last Friday, July 18, ended the next morning at 8:45am (Saturday). In the midst of their tiredness, some assembliests left the meeting in opposition because Quichua (Kichua) was not recognized as an official state language, offensive especially in the Quichua speaking region. However, according to the head of state Rafael Correa, the new constitution is a change to the neoliberal model, seen throughout Latin America.This document will go to a referendum, where Ecuadorians will vote on it, on September 28. Now, the President has mounted a campaign, visiting different regions of the country trying to convince them of the necessity of the new constitution.
Something that will be sure to stay in the history of Ecuador is the fact that the media, despite it´s supposed responsibility to the public, has not done a good job of conveying information about the new constitution. This has created confusion throughout the Northern, Southern, Amazonian, and Galapagos regions of the country. The coming vote on the constitution should be done with high citizens´consciousness, and there should be debates about the proposed articles in the constitution before the vote for approval or disapproval next semester.The conservative media has largely failed to inform the public about Ecuador's potential new constitution.
By all visible signs occuring now, civil society, including diverse social organizations, political groups, campesino organizations, indigenous people, university students, and the media, will begin discussions about the new constitution, playing an important role in getting the word out on the new version of the document.
A new debate amongst the assembleists, facing protests from women regarding the installation of the new constitution, in this case particularly the indigenous organization Pachakutik, has resulted in the addition of Quichua as an official language, causing much pride amongst indigenous people and campesinos.Lastly, you can see by graffiti on the walls (at least in Quito) the force of those opposing the consitution. You can see that this campaign is run by people trying to protect the interests of the middle clase and not the citizens´ revolution that President Rafael Correa has discussed in his official speeches.
Los Cambios en Quito
Ecuador desde una perspectiva de desarrollo
Desde el año 2005 , Ecuador viene realizando grandes cambios en su desarrollo urbano , comercial , como el ordenamiento de los comerciantes informales que ahora cuentan con sus propios locales comerciales , para explicar estos nuevos retos ha pasado por tener en cuenta el turismo que dìa a dìa visita las bellas iglesias coloniales , el panecillo es un mirador muy atractivo para observar toda las ciudades de Ecuador , como el volcàn Pichincha , lugares muy visitados por los extranjeros , latinoamèricanos , europeos entre otros , de esta manera se està cambiando la mirada hacia los visitantes que estàn pensando en visitar a Quito , se resalta una cuidad muy segura con policias en cada calle de la ciudad , para proteger al turista que viene a viistar la bella Ecuador .
La prensa escrita , Radial y Televisiòn informan sobre los ùltimos acontecimientos que ocurren en la ciudad de Quito , paso a paso del desarrollo de los asambleìstas que vienen trabajando y discutiendo los artìculos de la nueva carta magna .
La calle Chile en Quito en el centro de la ciudad , es la màs concurrente , los dìas domingos miles de ciudadanos recorren la ciudad , desde que amanece , algunos asisten a las iglesias a las misas dominicales , otros a paseos con la familia en las hermozas plazuelas , como plaza de Gobierno , San Francisco , catedral de Quito , el mirador del Panecillo y varios lugares atràctivos de la ciudad de Quito .San Francisco, a cathedral in Quito's colonial area.
Changes in Quito
Ecuador from a development perspective
Street vendors were displaced when the government in Quito decided to refurbish the historical colonial center of the city. A new building, shown here, was built to house the displaced commercial activity.
The written press, radio, and television inform the public about the lastest events happening in Quito and the step by step development of the constitutional assembly as they discuss the new articles in the magna carta.
Chile Street in Quito is the center of the city, as well as the most active. On Sundays, thousands of citizens stroll through the city, from very early in the morning. Some attend mass at church, others go on walks with their families in beautiful town squares, like the Plaza de Gobierno, San Francisco, Quito´s cathedral, the lookout the Panecillo, and several other nice places in Quito.The Panecillo, high on a mountain, where one can see all of the city of Quito.
I'd love to hear more about the qualms of far left activists about the constitution.
An amazing study. Am in Kenya and planning to juxtpose a community in a place in South America and an urban poor bario here. I want to provoke more material culture and leadership in communities here. I want to do it with community persons. this has been inspiring . the south-south dialogue...
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